Sunday, March 7, 2010

Who to Vote for in May 2010?

As much as possible, I try to stay out of politics.  Left and right, people are talking about who is the best candidate for President of the Philippines.  Is it Gibo, Noynoy, Manny, Dick or Erap?  Not to mention the other three relatively unknowns who are also in the race.  Of course, I have decided already but have chosen to keep quiet about it... for the reason that I am not very good at defending why I chose that person.  After all, I am not a lawyer and I cannot think of rebuttals quickly enough.

But what are the criteria in choosing the right person?  Should he have experience in legislative matters?  Should he have his own money so that he will not be tempted to steal government funds?  Should he have an ancestry that shows he is a good man?  Should he have a respected backer who can guarantee his success?  Should he have an impressive track record when it comes to turning a failure into success?

Of course, we can't have it five ways.  We have to single out the traits we like and, along with their character flaws, determine which one is most sincere.  Piece of cake, right?  Unfortunately, when you live in the Philippines, you always have to give each candidate the benefit of the doubt.  Even me, though I have made my choice, there is still that tiny possibility that I will change my mind on the actual Election Day.

So what's the verdict?  How do we choose?  My (in)expert advice:  process of ellimination.  Who is the least evil?  Hahaha!  Joke lang.

Seriously, how do we choose?  Simple.  Turn to God.  Pray for guidance.  He will turn you in the direction He knows will benefit us most.  He will point us towards the person who is closest to Him and senses His plans.  Let us not be swayed by promises that seem too good to be true, or giant pictures painted that seem too overwhelming to be achieved.  Let us think realistically.  And then, once the pointer stops turning, ask yourself, "If he wins, am I willing to help?"

God Bless the Philippines!

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