Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Wacky Kids

You've seen them happy. 
You've heard their jokes. 
Now you'll see them candid, wacky and cute!

One is growing up so fast she can leave you behind if you don't try to catch up.  It's a good thing her only vanity (so far) is eye liner and nail polish. One is so sweet she'll surprise you with a hug and kiss on the cheek, or she'll pick a flower and give it to you.  Her main concern is that her dad gets the right amount of sleep and that he takes a bath and brushes his teeth before sleeping. The little boy is, well, the youngest.  He hates getting scolded and runs away to make "tampo".  Even though you've thought nothing of it, he will turn it over and over in his mind and feel worse for it.  But once you say it's okay, he will stop, too.

The eldest has learned to love her younger siblings like a junior mother but still wants her privacy.  The middle child acts like she's the oldest and bosses everyone around.  The youngest copies everything his older sister (the middle child) does and teases her no end.

What will happen when the end result of all this activity comes around?  I hope and pray that the three children will never be separated and that they will be provided the opportunity to know their father's family down to the very roots.  Because, literally, it's the only real family they've got to fall back on.

Praying for a Silver Lining!

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